Grow Endless Mushrooms at Home! Unbelievable Trick with Kitchen Scraps!

Grow Endless Mushrooms at Home! Unbelievable Trick with Kitchen Scraps!

Growing mushrooms from kitchen scraps can be an exciting and eco-friendly way to enjoy these fascinating fungi right in your own home. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of growing mushrooms using store-bought mushrooms and scraps.

Choosing the Right Mushrooms

  • Best Varieties: Oyster mushrooms are a great choice for growing at home because they are adaptable and easy to cultivate. However, feel free to experiment with different types of mushrooms based on your taste and availability.
  • Good Quality: Make sure to choose organic store-bought mushrooms to ensure the best quality and health for your mushroom propagation.

Understanding Mushroom Propagation

  • The Mushroom Lifecycle: In nature, mushrooms start from tiny spores found in the gills. These spores need a suitable surface to land on, germinate, and grow into mycelium. Over time, this mycelium network transforms into the familiar mushroom shape.
  • Using Store-Bought Mushrooms: Growing mushrooms from store-bought stems is quicker than natural growth because it eliminates the need to rely on spores. The mycelium found on the stems can be used to produce edible clones of the parent mushroom.

Preparing for Growth

  • Choosing a Bedding Material: Straw is an excellent choice for your mushroom bed. Soak it for a couple of days and then use it to layer your growing medium. You can also use shredded cardboard or other materials.
  • Preparing Mushroom Ends: Cut the ends of healthy oyster mushrooms or other varieties into small pieces, about ¼ inch (6 mm) in size. These pieces will be the starting point for new mushroom growth.

Creating the Right Growing Environment

  • Temperature and Light: Mushrooms thrive in a dark environment with temperatures between 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit (18-23 degrees Celsius).
  • Keeping it Moist: It’s important to keep the growing medium and mycelium damp. If it starts to dry out, mist it with water.

Harvesting Your Mushrooms

  • Timing: After about two to four weeks, the mycelium should be ready to produce mushrooms. Expect to harvest your mushrooms in approximately 19 days.
    harvesting home grown mushrooms

Alternative Methods and Tips

  • Using Spore Prints: For a more scientific approach, you can create spore prints from mushroom caps using sterilized aluminum foil. This method requires a clean, draft-free environment and patience, as the spores are collected over 24 to 36 hours.
  • Choosing the Growing Medium: Different mushroom varieties may require different growing mediums, such as wood chips, sawdust, or standard potting mix. Water the chosen medium and sprinkle the spores or mycelium across the surface.
  • Mushroom Kits: If you’re new to mushroom cultivation or find the process complicated, ready-to-use mushroom kits are a convenient option. These kits involve misting a block of mycelium daily for about two weeks.

Additional Considerations

  • Composting with Mushrooms: Growing mushrooms in compost piles, like blewits, can help accelerate the composting process and provide you with a harvest of edible mushrooms.
  • Growing on Logs: Certain mushroom varieties, like shiitake, can be effectively grown using logs as a substrate. This method involves inoculating logs with mushroom spawn and sealing them with wax.
    growing mushrooms in compost piles

By following these simple steps and maintaining optimal growing conditions, you can successfully grow your own mushrooms from kitchen scraps at home. Not only will you be reducing waste, but you’ll also be harvesting a valuable and delicious crop right from your own kitchen. Happy mushroom growing!