Retired couple discovers a unique retirement alternative: Cruise living!

Retirement is often seen as a time to embrace the freedom and enjoy life’s pleasures. For Marty and Jess Ansen, a retired couple from Australia, that meant embarking on an extraordinary adventure: 51 consecutive cruises! This unconventional retirement choice not only offers them endless excitement and discovery but also proves to be a cost-effective alternative to traditional retirement homes.

Setting Sail: The Ansen’s Remarkable Journey

Marty and Jess have been avid fans of cruise holidays for years, but the COVID-19 pandemic interrupted their plans. Finally, in June 2022, they got the chance to make up for lost time and set sail on the Coral Princess. Little did they know that this would turn into a 500-day odyssey, as they decided to extend their vacation and book 51 back-to-back cruises – a unique dedication to their love for the sea.

A Home Away from Home

Onboard the Coral Princess, Marty and Jess have become legendary passengers, forming close bonds with the ship’s staff and making themselves feel at home. The hotel manager affectionately refers to them as his “second mum and dad onboard.” With all-inclusive meals and daily housekeeping, they enjoy the comforts and conveniences of retirement living while exploring exciting destinations.

The Economics of Retirement at Sea

What Marty and Jess discovered through their adventurous lifestyle is truly eye-opening: living on cruise ships is more cost-effective than residing in a retirement home. Their onboard expenses cover all their daily needs, allowing them to enjoy an affordable and fulfilling retirement experience. This challenges the traditional notion of retirement planning and proves that there are alternative paths to consider.

Embracing Adventure and Wellness

Rather than growing weary of the sea, Marty and Jess have developed a daily routine that keeps them active and entertained. They start each day with an hour of table tennis, combining fun and fitness. These games set the tone for the rest of their day, filled with exploration and indulging in the ship’s delectable buffets. It’s a daily adventure that keeps them young at heart.

Living Their Dreams

Having spent over 450 days continuously cruising, Marty and Jess Ansen have no intention of stopping anytime soon. If given the opportunity, they would continue their voyages for the rest of their lives. Their story serves as an inspiration, proving that retirement can be an opportunity to chase your dreams and live life to the fullest.

In the twilight years of life, Marty and Jess have found an unconventional yet rewarding path to retirement. Their journey is a testament to the endless possibilities that await those who dare to break from tradition and pursue their dreams. For them, retirement means endless horizons and the vast expanse of the open sea.