A Heartwarming Wedding: Fifth Grade Teacher Invites Students to Join Her Special Day

Organizing a wedding can be quite stressful, especially when it comes to choosing bridesmaids and groomsmen. But one amazing woman found the perfect solution to this dilemma. Alexandra Stamps, a fifth-grade teacher from Wichita, Kansas, didn’t hesitate to ask her students to be her bridesmaids and groomsmen on her special day.

Alexandra, who teaches at Science and Technology Elementary School, tied the knot with her fiancé Mason McDowell in July after nearly a year of dating. Mason, a third-grade teacher himself, also wanted to involve his students in their big day.

Not only did the couple invite their students to the wedding, but they asked them to play the essential roles of bridesmaids and groomsmen. Alexandra explained, “I love them, and they’re part of my life. I want them to be up there with me because they’re my biggest fans.”

The heartwarming moment when Alexandra asked her students was captured on video and quickly went viral on TikTok, with over 19 million views. In the video, Alexandra gathers her students in the classroom and pops the question. She asks the girls, “Will you guys be my junior bridesmaids in my wedding?” to which they excitedly reply, “Yes!” Then she asks the boys, “Will you guys be my junior groomsmen?” and they immediately respond with a resounding “Yes!” too.

The students were overjoyed to be asked, with six or seven of them even shedding tears of happiness. Alexandra and Mason spend over forty hours a week with their students, and they genuinely love and care for them. They wanted to include them in the festivities instead of just having them in the audience.

Alexandra explained, “I just want to give them this special part of my life. I want them to be part of it because I’m so proud of the hard work that they’ve done this year, and the fact that they’ve not only survived the pandemic — but thrived in it — and watching them grow as people this school year, they deserve to be up there with me.”

Before making the proposal, Alexandra made sure to check with the students’ parents to ensure their participation was alright. As a token of appreciation, she gifted the girls faux pearl necklaces and the boys colorful sunglasses. And after the students joyfully accepted her proposal, they all celebrated with rainbow-striped lollipops.

What a wonderful way to honor and cherish her students! It must have been an incredibly exciting experience for this group of students. Let us come together to salute the generosity and kindness of this amazing teaching couple. We wish them a lifetime of happiness and love. Help us spread this heartwarming story by sharing it with others.