Shannen Doherty Opens Up About Feud with Charmed Co-Star

Shannen Doherty, the former star of the hit series Charmed, has recently made some shocking accusations about her co-star, Alyssa Milano. Doherty revealed the truth about their bitter feud on and off set during an episode of her podcast, Let’s Be Clear.

Doherty and Milano worked together on Charmed for three seasons before tension on set led to Doherty’s departure. In her conversation with her other former co-star, Holly Marie Combs, Doherty claimed that Milano had tried to drive a wedge between them, and unfortunately, her efforts succeeded.

Doherty and Combs were already close friends before joining the cast of Charmed. In fact, Combs had even lived with Doherty after her split from her first husband. However, Doherty now alleges that Milano and her mother actively prevented her from visiting Combs in the hospital during a traumatic health scare.

Doherty explained that hospitals terrified her, especially at that time when she was dealing with her father’s health issues. Despite waiting 24 hours after Combs’ surgery, Doherty faced difficulties getting in to see her friend. She received a text from Combs asking if she planned to visit, which left her feeling guilty and upset.

The divide between Doherty and Combs continued throughout the second season of Charmed, causing Doherty to cry nearly every night. Combs shared that due to her difficult childhood, she found solace in Milano’s family when they took her in. She wanted everyone to get along and for the show to be successful, but there was a lack of awareness of the bigger picture.

Rumors about a feud between the co-stars circulated for years, and Doherty’s decision to leave the show only fueled the speculation. In interviews, she mentioned how much she would miss Combs but made no mention of Milano. Doherty explained that there was too much drama on set and not enough passion for the work, and at 30 years old, she no longer had time for that kind of negativity in her life.

The revelation of the feud between Doherty and Milano gives fans a glimpse behind the scenes of the beloved show. While Charmed may have had its ups and downs, the legacy it left behind is undeniable. It ran for eight seasons and created a lasting impact on its loyal audience.