Twins Conjoined at Birth Start a New Chapter: School Days

Four-year-old twins Rosie and Ruby Formosa, who captured the world’s attention after being born conjoined and with a slim chance of survival, are now eagerly counting down the days until their first day of school.

Their proud father, Daniel Formosa, reflecting on their journey, shared, “Before the twins were born, we weren’t even sure how far they’d get, but we soon learnt that they are fighters. Now here they are, getting ready to go to school.” The Formosa family resides in Bexleyheath, Kent, where they live alongside their nine-year-old daughter, Lily.

Rosie and Ruby were born in 2012 joined at the abdomen, sharing part of their intestine. Their birth made headlines across the UK, and they underwent a life-saving operation at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London just a day after being born.

Despite their early challenges, Mr. Formosa describes his daughters as bright girls full of energy. Their mother discovered they were conjoined between 16 and 20 weeks into the pregnancy. The twins were then delivered at University College Hospital at 34 weeks and immediately transferred to Great Ormond Street, renowned for its expertise in treating conjoined twins.

As their first day of school approaches, the Formosa family couldn’t be happier about Rosie and Ruby’s progress. They have not only survived but are now embracing life just like any other children their age.

While Mr. Formosa anticipates some bittersweet emotions as the twins embark on this new chapter, he also acknowledges the change it will bring to their household. “The house is going to be very empty without the two of them running around all day,” he remarked.

But there is no cause for worry. Rosie and Ruby will be attending the same school as their older sister and will share a classroom, ensuring they have each other’s support as they adapt to their new educational environment.

Conjoined twins are an exceptionally rare occurrence, happening only once in every 50,000 live births. It’s worth noting that Malta has not been immune to this phenomenon. Back in 2000, another set of conjoined twins, Gracie and Rosie, were born to Rina and Michaelangelo Attard of Xagħra. While Rosie sadly passed away shortly after birth, Gracie has grown into a remarkable young lady.

As Rosie and Ruby Formosa take their first steps into school life, we celebrate their strength, resilience, and the incredible journey they have overcome. Let their story inspire us all to embrace life’s challenges with a fighting spirit.