Retired teacher’s Letter to Parents: A Call for Collaboration

Education is vital, especially for our young ones. However, teachers, who play a crucial role in shaping the next generation, are often overworked and underpaid. Many enter the field with enthusiasm and passion, but in today’s world, they too easily become disillusioned and burnt out. While there may be various factors contributing to their burnout, parents of the students often bear the brunt of the blame. A retired teacher’s opinion piece, published in 2017, sparked a viral debate about who is responsible for the issues in the education system. Let’s take a closer look at Lisa Roberson’s letter and the importance of the parent-teacher relationship.

In her poignant letter published in the Augusta Chronicle, Roberson boldly declares, “Parents are the problem.” As a retired teacher, she is tired of those who have no knowledge of public schools or recent classroom experience attempting to fix the education system. She argues that parents are not adequately preparing their children for learning. Basic manners, respect for others, and even the knowledge of how to get along with classmates seem to be lacking. It’s disheartening to see students coming to school with expensive shoes but without a simple pencil or paper. Teachers often have to dig into their own pockets to provide these essentials for their students. Roberson asks the tough questions: Do parents attend parent nights or regularly engage with teachers? Do they ensure their children come to school with the required supplies and complete their homework? When we consider these factors, it becomes clear that it’s not the schools that are failing, but rather the parents. Roberson concludes her letter by emphasizing that teachers cannot do the job of parents. Until parents step up and fulfill their responsibilities, significant improvements will be hard to achieve.

The parent-teacher relationship is crucial for the success of our children’s education. In a perfect world, parents and teachers would harmoniously collaborate. However, the real world, especially during the pandemic, has presented numerous challenges. Lockdowns forced parents to become more involved in monitoring their children’s education. This, in turn, gave rise to heated debates about vaccinations, gender identity, race theory, school closings, masks, and other contentious political issues.

Despite these challenges, educators and parents share the same goal: providing children with a solid education for their future. Teachers must find innovative ways to connect with and motivate their students, while parents need to ensure their children possess the necessary skills for optimal learning before sending them to school. Teaching them classroom rules, instilling discipline, and fostering punctuality are all part of this shared responsibility. However, various circumstances may prevent parents from actively involving themselves in their children’s education, while excessively overbearing parents can create their own set of difficulties.

Dr. Scott A. Roth, a certified school psychologist, points out that both “ghost parenting” and “helicopter parenting” can have adverse effects on students. Ghost parenting refers to a lack of parental involvement, while helicopter parenting involves excessive intervention, hindering a child’s problem-solving abilities. Balancing these factors in the parent-teacher dynamic is more challenging than ever. With the pandemic, many students fell significantly behind their peers, exacerbating the fatigue and burnout experienced by teachers already stretched thin. Moreover, children’s behavior seems to have worsened, making pre-pandemic routines and techniques less effective.

Perhaps both parents and educators can agree that schools must adapt to modern challenges. Curriculums, schedules, and teaching methods need to address issues of inequity, life skills, and technology integration. Patricia A. Edwards, a distinguished professor specializing in supporting literacy learning for families of color, emphasizes the need for education reform efforts. These efforts focus on modernizing curriculums, personalized learning, increased technology usage, and a shift away from standardized testing, aiming to align K-12 education with the demands of the contemporary world.

In the meantime, it is essential for parents and teachers to work together to optimize children’s education. Building a strong working relationship is crucial. Teachers should share with parents the techniques and strategies they are implementing, such as calming corners, breathing exercises, and opportunities for behavior correction. Dr. Roth reminds us that relationships matter. When students feel safe and cared for, they are more motivated to learn. Teachers who can connect with their students on a personal level experience fewer behavioral problems in the classroom.

Let us heed the call for collaboration and come together as parents and educators, working hand in hand to provide our children with the education they deserve. By fostering a strong parent-teacher relationship, we can ensure a bright future for the next generation.