My Brother Thinks I’m Free Babysitter to His 3 Kids, Constantly Ruins My Plans

Taking a Stand Against Inconsiderate Behavior

A 23-year-old woman found herself in an unexpected situation when her brother repeatedly left his three children unattended at her doorstep without prior notice. Frustrated and tired of having her own plans disrupted, she made the difficult decision to call the police. This action had significant consequences for her brother, but she was blamed for ruining his life.

Always Assumed, Never Asked

The woman, who took to Reddit to share her story, explained how her 27-year-old brother would assume that she would be available to babysit his children whenever he needed help, without bothering to check with her first. This disregard for her time and plans was a constant source of frustration for her.

The front of a house | Source:

One day, her brother once again expected her to drop everything and take care of his kids, even though she had made plans with her friends. This time, she decided she had had enough. She told her brother she was not available and threatened to call the police if he tried to leave the children with her.

The Last Straw

Ignoring her warning, her brother went ahead and dropped off the children at her doorstep. Feeling panicked and overwhelmed, she immediately called the police and explained the situation. The police arrived, but her brother was nowhere to be found.

Children alone on the playground | Source: Shutterstock

Due to the serious nature of the situation and the safety of the children being the top priority, Child Protective Services stepped in and took temporary custody of the kids. The woman assured her niece and nephews that they would be well taken care of.

Consequences and Responsibility

Later that night, the woman received an angry call from her brother, who demanded to know where his children were. She calmly reminded him of their conversation and explained that it was his own actions that led to Child Protective Services getting involved. As a result, her brother lost custody of the kids and was charged with endangering a child on three counts.

A woman on the phone looking worried | Shutterstock

To her surprise, the woman was asked to become the legal guardian of her niece and nephews. While she agreed to take them in, she kept it a secret from her family, fearing their negative reaction.

Dealing with Guilt and Judgment

Unfortunately, her decision to involve the police did not sit well with the rest of her family, except for her grandfather. She began to feel guilty and blamed herself for tearing the family apart. However, she firmly believed that her brother needed to understand the importance of communication and respect for her own plans and time.

a woman with three children | Source: Shutterstock

The supportive Reddit community reassured her that she had done the right thing. They pointed out that her brother’s actions were not just a one-time mistake and that there must have been other issues at play. They also commended her for setting boundaries and looking out for the best interests of the children.

Learning from Experience

While the woman’s decision had significant consequences, including strained family relationships, she stood by her actions. She loved her brother’s children and enjoyed spending time with them, but she needed her brother to understand that her availability as a babysitter had to be communicated in advance.

Comments from a Reddit entry | Source:

As she moves forward as the legal guardian of her niece and nephews, she hopes that her brother will learn from this experience and become more considerate of others. Ultimately, her primary concern is ensuring the well-being and happiness of the children she now cares for.

Original article by Reddit user