She Asked If He Would Remarry, But the Response Caught Her Off Guard

When you’re married, your spouse may ask you all sorts of questions. Some of them won’t require much thought, while others can have a significant impact on your relationship. In this joke, a wife asked her husband a question that he probably didn’t expect.

You’ve probably heard this question before, and maybe even struggled with finding the right answer. Well, this husband gave his response, but he might have regretted it soon after.

The wife turns to her husband and asks, “Darling, if I were to pass away, would you consider remarrying?” It’s a question that can stir up many emotions.

After taking a moment to reflect, the husband responds, “In time, I believe I might. We all seek companionship to heal.” He acknowledges the importance of finding love and support after the loss of a partner.

But the wife’s curiosity doesn’t end there. She continues to inquire, “And if I were no more, would your new wife live in our cherished home?” She wants to know if their special place will remain just as meaningful.

With a thoughtful nod, the husband explains, “We’ve put so much into creating the perfect home. It’s unlikely that I’d part with it. So yes, she probably would.” He values the memories and effort they have invested in their home.

Not satisfied yet, the wife asks another hypothetical question, “If you were to remarry and she lived here, would she sleep in our bed?” It’s a personal question that tests the husband’s commitment to their shared experiences.

Meeting her eyes, the husband replies, “Our bed is fairly new, an investment of $2,000. It’s built to endure, so yes, she would.” He recognizes the quality of their bed and how it can provide comfort and rest to anyone who sleeps on it.

With a mischievous glint in her eye, the wife adds one final twist, “And if you remarried, if she inhabited our home and slept in our bed, would she also take my beloved golf clubs?” It’s a playful question that reveals a secret.

Laughter fills the room as the husband playfully retorts, “Ah, but there’s a catch! She’s a lefty, my dear!” The couple shares a lighthearted moment, finding humor in the unexpected.

In relationships, it’s important to be open and honest with each other, even when faced with difficult or hypothetical questions. And sometimes, a little humor can lighten the mood and strengthen the bond between husband and wife.