The 16-pound Baby Who Became a Giant

From Headlines to a Life of Fame

In 1983, Patricia Clarke was 24 years old and pregnant. Having had a big baby before, she suspected that this one would be no exception. But she could never have imagined just how enormous her child would be. When Kevin Robert Clark was born, he weighed in at over 16 pounds! Not only was he the largest baby ever born at Community Memorial Hospital but he might have been the largest baby in all of New Jersey!

Kevin’s size immediately caught everyone’s attention. His story made headlines across the country and even earned him mentions on popular TV shows like “Saturday Night Live” and “Good Morning America”. Despite the challenges of finding a crib and clothes that fit, Kevin was perfectly healthy, much to the relief of his parents.

A Life of Giants

But Kevin’s fame didn’t end there. By the time he was 12, he already stood at an impressive 5 foot 7 inches. In junior high, he had grown to 6 foot 5! And he just kept on growing. Today, at 35 years old, Kevin, now known as Tom, stands tall at 6 feet 9 inches. It’s no surprise that he attracts attention wherever he goes.

“People always ask me how tall I am,” Tom said. “I like to joke that I’m 5-foot-21. When they ask if I play basketball, I ask them if they play miniature golf.”

Embracing a Life of Unusual Proportions

Living with such extraordinary height is no small feat, but Tom has learned to embrace it. He’s a former military man, happily married to his 6-foot tall wife, and they have a Great Dane. Tom takes his towering stature in stride and doesn’t let it define him. He’s a remarkable example of how to live confidently, no matter our differences.

Tom’s Incredible Story

To learn more about Tom’s incredible journey, watch the video below:

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