Man comes home to find ‘humiliated’ wife crying behind closed door after nieces come to stay

Man comes home to find 'humiliated' wife crying behind closed door after nieces come to stay

A furious man recently shared a troubling story on the popular ‘Am I the A*****e’ thread on Reddit. Let’s dive into the details.

The man, who we’ll refer to as Original Poster (OP), recently had his sister and her two 16-year-old nieces staying with him and his wife. The sister had gone through a difficult divorce and needed a temporary place to live with her daughters. The kind-hearted man agreed to let them stay.

Now, here’s where things took a turn. The man’s wife is currently battling cancer and undergoing chemotherapy, which has unfortunately caused her to lose her hair. Feeling self-conscious, she had purchased a wig that resembled her natural hair and found comfort and confidence wearing it.

After moving in, the nieces became interested in the wig and started asking questions. They even asked if they could touch it, style it, and see what their aunt looked like without it. The man’s wife politely declined their requests and explained that she wasn’t comfortable taking it off in front of them.

However, things escalated quickly. One day, the man came home to find his wife sobbing uncontrollably behind a locked bedroom door. She had woken up to find her wig missing only to discover that the nieces had taken it and tried to coax her out without it. They even recorded the incident while laughing.

Understandably, the man was furious. He confronted the nieces and expressed how they had humiliated and embarrassed his wife. He demanded the wig back and ultimately decided that his sister and nieces were no longer welcome to stay in their home.

His sister, however, dismissed his wife’s feelings as oversensitivity and argued that the nieces were simply curious teenagers. The man stood his ground and asked for support from the forum on Reddit.

Reactions from the internet community were overwhelmingly in support of the man. People condemned the nieces’ actions as cruel and praised the man for taking a stand to protect his wife’s well-being. They emphasized that recording and laughing at someone’s distress is never just a lighthearted prank.

Now, we’d like to hear from you. Do you think the nieces’ behavior was just harmless fun, or was it unnecessarily cruel? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!