Cynthia Nixon Calls for Ceasefire in Gaza through Hunger Strike

Cynthia Nixon joins hunger strike, demands President Biden call for ceasefire in Gaza

Cynthia Nixon, the renowned actress known for her role in Sex and the City, has joined lawmakers and activists in a hunger strike demanding a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. In a press conference outside the White House, Nixon passionately expressed her opposition to the ongoing violence, stating that it cannot be allowed to continue.

Israeli attacks on Gaza since the Hamas attack on Israel have resulted in the deaths of over 14,000 Palestinians. In an effort to bring attention to the dire situation, Nixon, along with more than 250 artists, signed an open letter to President Biden and Congress urging a ceasefire. However, she wanted to take her activism a step further.

Nixon has chosen to participate in a five-day hunger strike, enduring deprivation to reflect the suffering experienced by the people in Gaza. By doing so, she hopes to convey to President Biden the urgency and importance of implementing a ceasefire. Speaking to reporters, she emphasized that it is within the President’s power to make a difference.

As a mother of two Jewish boys, Nixon feels a personal responsibility to speak out against the violence and advocate for peace. She pleaded with President Biden to use his influence to halt the funding of Israel and to call for a ceasefire. Nixon believes that the actions of Israel’s far-right government do not reflect the desires of the majority of Americans.

She also shared a poignant moment involving one of her sons, who implored her to use her voice to ensure that “never again” truly means “never again” for everyone. Nixon appealed to President Biden’s empathy, urging him to imagine the children of Gaza as his own and take action accordingly.

The actress expressed her frustration with the high civilian casualties in Gaza, comparing the death toll to that of 20 years of war in Afghanistan. She adamantly rejected the notion that civilian casualties are routine in times of war, stressing the significance of each tragic loss of life.

Cynthia Nixon’s hunger strike and passionate activism serve as a reminder that we all have a role to play in advocating for peace and justice. The impact of her voice and the voices of countless others who stand united against violence cannot be underestimated.