Two Miracle Girls: From Conjoined Twins to Thriving Individuals

Having a baby is undoubtedly a miraculous event, but for the parents of Isabelle and Abby Carlsen, the journey was even more extraordinary. These two beautiful girls were born over a decade ago as conjoined twins, connected at the chest and abdomen, sharing a liver, small intestine, and two intertwined hearts. Their birth at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota captured the attention of the world.

The Carlsen parents faced an incredibly tough decision as surgeons prepared to separate their precious daughters. The risks were daunting. At the time, 60% of such procedures ended tragically, according to the Star Tribune. Fear and worry weighed heavily on their shoulders.

Finally, on May 12, 2006, a team of 17 skilled surgeons embarked on the delicate and intricate task of separating the twins. The operation lasted 12 nerve-wracking hours, with many heart-stopping moments, especially during the separation of their shared liver.

The wait for their family was agonizing, but thankfully, the procedure went according to plan. Both Isabelle and Abby survived, marking a tremendous victory. However, the road to recovery was long, and they spent their first six months of life confined to hospital rooms.

Fast forward a decade, and it’s hard to believe that these charming and vibrant girls were once conjoined. They are now thriving! Isabelle and Abby have become inseparable friends, enjoying gymnastics and excelling academically. Their teacher at the time, Tiffany Moos, shared that they were not only academically advanced but also popular with everyone.

Their confidence and independence are truly inspiring. However, there are beautiful moments when they reach out and hold each other’s hands while strolling together. As Abby puts it, “Every night we look in the mirror in our room, and we’re like, how do people get us mixed up?” (CBS News).

Listen to Abby and Isabelle’s heartwarming story in their own words .

These two incredible girls are a testament to the indomitable spirit of the human body and the miracles that modern medicine can achieve. Let’s celebrate their extraordinary journey by sharing their story and spreading the love!