Miracle Twins: Celebrating a Decade of Life

Ten years ago, the world held its breath as Isabelle and Abby Carlsen underwent a groundbreaking surgery to separate them. These beautiful twins were conjoined at the chest and abdomen, sharing a liver, small intestine, and even two intertwined hearts. It was a miracle they were born, and an even bigger miracle that they survived the complex surgery.

The Carlsen family faced a daunting decision as surgeons prepared for the delicate operation. At that time, the odds were not in their favor, with 60 percent of similar procedures resulting in fatalities. The weight of fear and worry rested heavily on their shoulders.

On May 12, 2006, a team of 17 skilled surgeons gathered at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. The 12-hour-long operation had its nerve-wracking moments, especially when it came time to separate their shared liver. The family anxiously awaited news, knowing that the outcome could change their lives forever. Miraculously, the surgery was a success, and both Isabelle and Abby survived.

The road to recovery was long and challenging. For the first six months of their lives, the girls resided in hospital rooms, under careful observation and support. But today, you wouldn’t believe these vibrant girls were once conjoined. They have flourished in ways their parents could only dream of.

Isabelle and Abby have embraced life with gusto. They excel academically, have a passion for gymnastics, and have formed lasting friendships. Their infectious laughter and zest for life have endeared them to everyone around them. According to their former teacher, Tiffany Moos, these girls are not only independent but also have an unbreakable bond. On occasion, while strolling together, they still hold hands, a testament to the unbreakable connection they share.

When asked about their journey, Isabelle and Abby are amazed at how far they have come. They struggle to believe that the adorable conjoined babies in pictures are actually them. It is a testament to their resilience and the incredible work of the surgical team that these girls are now leading extraordinary lives.

Please take a moment to watch the video below, in which Isabelle and Abby share their own remarkable story. It’s a testament to the power of love, hope, and medical miracles. Help us spread the joy and celebrate these incredible young women!