A beloved stuntman, known for his work in popular Marvel movies such as Avengers: Endgame and Black Panther, has tragically lost his life along with three of his children in a car crash.
The devastating accident occurred in Georgia late on Halloween night. The family was traveling when their vehicle collided with a tractor trailer that had broken down in the left lane of an exit off the interstate. Taraja Ramsess, 41, and his children were unable to escape the collision unharmed.
The heartbreaking news of Ramsess’ passing was confirmed by his mother, Akili Ramsess, who shared the news on Instagram. In her emotional post, she revealed that two of Taraja’s daughters survived the crash, while his 10-year-old son Kisasi was taken to the hospital and put on life support. Tragically, Kisasi later succumbed to his injuries.
“My beautiful, loving, talented son Taraja, along with two of my grand babies, his 13-year-old daughter Sundari and his 8-week-old newborn daughter Fujibo, were killed the previous night in a horrific traffic accident,” wrote Akili in her initial post.
She later provided an update, saying, “Kisasi Adebayo joins his father Taraja and sisters Sundari and Fujibo on their journey. May God bless all their souls. You all will be missed.”
Taraja Ramsess was not only known for his work in Marvel films but also for his contributions to other popular projects such as Avengers: Infinity War, The Suicide Squad, and Atlanta.
Ava DuVernay, a renowned director and a friend of the late stuntman, expressed her sorrow over his loss. She described Taraja as a loving father who adored his children. DuVernay shared a heartwarming memory of Taraja’s commitment to his craft, noting how he readily volunteered to be an on-camera actor for a scene that lacked Black background actors. He inspired others to step up, showcasing his leadership and dedication to his work.
Our hearts go out to all those who lost their lives in this devastating accident. May they rest in peace