Police Officer Shamed for Eating on Duty, But His Response Shuts Down the Haters

We all have those busy days where we’re constantly rushing from one thing to another, struggling to find time for ourselves, including meals. And this is no different for the hard-working men and women in law enforcement, like Police Constable Andre Owen.

In the midst of a grueling 12-hour shift, PC Owen finally had a moment to himself to grab some food. Little did he know, this simple act would result in an unexpected encounter with a woman who decided to shame him for taking a break.

But PC Owen didn’t let that get to him. In fact, he took to social media to share his story, and the response he received was overwhelming. Thousands of people showed their support for the dedicated officer who had been working tirelessly to keep the community safe.

It’s important to remember that police officers are human too. They may seem like superheroes, but they have their own needs and limitations. PC Owen had already been working for seven hours straight and still had a long drive and paperwork ahead of him. He needed to eat to keep his energy up for the remainder of his shift, so he made a quick stop at Burger King.

Unfortunately, one woman in the restaurant decided to criticize him for taking care of himself. She exclaimed, “Whilst you’re in here stuffing your face, there’s criminals that need catching out there.” But PC Owen handled the situation with grace and walked away without saying a word.

PC Owen’s tweet about this encounter quickly went viral, garnering support from people all over the country. It wasn’t about seeking sympathy for himself but rather shedding light on the reality faced by officers on a daily basis.

In an interview, PC Owen shared the details of his busy day. He had responded to a serious incident in Brighton, then had to drive nonstop to Oxford for the same case. Only after half an hour into his return journey did he take his first bathroom break of the day and grab some food. That’s when the woman in the restaurant made her assumptions.

But PC Owen didn’t let this incident dim his commitment to his job. In fact, later that day, he went the extra mile to help a family with a broken-down car, extending his shift to a full 12 hours. He navigated traffic, ensured their safety, and then faced a hundred-mile journey back to the station.

PC Owen’s story is relatable to so many officers who work tirelessly to serve and protect. Their dedication and sacrifice often go unnoticed, and they deserve our appreciation. Instead of making assumptions, let’s offer a smile and understand that police officers are human too.

So the next time you see an officer grabbing a quick bite, remember they could have had a long and challenging day. Let’s show our support and gratitude for their hard work. After all, they risk their lives for complete strangers. Please share this article if you agree!