Jimmy Carter’s Doctor Concerned for His Health after the Passing of Rosalynn

Jimmy Carter's doctor concerned after Rosalynn's passing – "such a big loss for him"

Dr. Michael Raines, the family physician of former President Jimmy Carter, has expressed deep concern over the passing of former first lady Rosalynn Carter, stating that it is a “big loss” for the former president. Dr. Raines, who has been involved in Jimmy’s healthcare, has now stressed that the health of the oldest living president is the primary focus.

Despite facing various health challenges, including a cancer diagnosis and serious falls, the loss of Rosalynn, his wife of 77 years, will be the most significant challenge for Jimmy. Dr. Raines acknowledges that the couple had a strong dependency on each other, not just in love but in their relationship and friendship.

He further explains that hospice care for dementia patients can result in a rapid acceleration of decline, as seen in Rosalynn’s case. The Carters had a remarkable dedication to each other, consistently worried about one another even in the face of their own health issues.

In addition to their personal struggles, the Carters have been instrumental in advocating for rural healthcare in Plains, Georgia. They successfully pushed for the reopening of the Mercer Medicine Clinic, addressing the healthcare gap left by the closure of local hospitals. Dr. Raines emphasizes that Rosalynn Carter’s impact on rural healthcare is a remarkable legacy that will be felt for generations to come.

While the passing of Rosalynn brings sadness, the down-to-earth nature, love for Plains, and humanitarian work of the Carters have positively influenced the region. Their dedication continues to inspire and make a difference in the lives of many.