A Mother’s Love: From Skeletal Orphan to Joyful Boy

Parenthood is a journey filled with love and the belief that every child deserves a chance at a happy life. Unfortunately, not all children start off on equal footing. Some are born into difficult circumstances, without the care and support they desperately need.

One mother, Priscilla Morse, came across a photo on social media in 2015 that changed her life forever. It was a picture of a malnourished little boy named Ryan, who had lost both his parents and was living in a Bulgarian orphanage. The image broke Priscilla’s heart, and she couldn’t ignore the call to action.

Already a parent to three children, Priscilla and her partner David felt that Ryan was meant to be their son. They recognized the challenges that would come with adopting another child, especially one with health issues, but they couldn’t bear the thought of him suffering or even dying without their intervention.

Priscilla made the courageous decision to fly to Bulgaria and bring Ryan home to Tennessee. When they finally met, they discovered that Ryan’s condition was even worse than they had feared. He suffered from dwarfism, scoliosis, cerebral palsy, and clubfoot. His body was so lacking in fat that he had grown thick hair to keep himself warm.

Despite the bleak prognosis from doctors, Ryan showed an incredible fighting spirit. He underwent numerous hospital visits and received tender care from Priscilla and David. Through their unwavering love, Ryan began to recover.

Priscilla created a Facebook page called Saving Baby Ryan, where she shared updates on his progress. There, she regularly posts pictures of Ryan’s inspiring journey for the page’s 67,000 followers.

Today, Ryan is a far cry from the frail child he once was. Priscilla describes him as a chubby, giggly, and joyful boy who loves kisses and tickles. His transformation is nothing short of miraculous.

This heartwarming story reminds us that every child deserves a chance at happiness, regardless of their circumstances. Priscilla and David’s dedication to Ryan’s well-being is a testament to the power of a mother’s love. Their efforts have not only changed Ryan’s life but have also inspired thousands of people around the world.

Let us celebrate Ryan’s remarkable journey and wish him all the best for his future. Priscilla and David, we commend you for your hard work and the love you have poured into this extraordinary little boy.