Jason Aldean Responds to CMT’s Removal of His Anti-Rioting Song’s Music Video

Country music superstar Jason Aldean is facing a setback after CMT decided to remove his music video for his song “Try That In A Small Town.” The video had been in rotation on CMT until July 16, but the network has not provided any explanation for its removal. Aldean, known for his appeal to conservatives and those who appreciate heartfelt music, has sparked controversy with this video, particularly among conservative Twitter users who interpret it as anti-woke and anti-rioting.

In “Try That In A Small Town,” Aldean suggests that engaging in public violence or crime, such as rioting or purse-snatching, would not go unchallenged in a small town. The song emphasizes the idea of being held accountable for one’s actions. This sentiment resonates with many right-leaning individuals who criticize rioters for using social issues as an excuse to cause chaos or steal.

Despite the video being taken out of rotation on CMT, it has already garnered over 900,000 views on YouTube. At the time of its removal from CMT, it had nearly 350,000 views. Aldean shared his thoughts on the video’s release on Instagram, expressing his desire to reconnect with the sense of community and respect that he believes has been lost. He wants his viewers to know that they are not alone in feeling this way.

Upon learning that CMT had removed his video, Aldean took to Twitter to respond. His response, which has already received 12 million views, showcases his personality and the importance he places on standing up for his beliefs. Aldean strongly dismisses the false accusations leveled against his song, including claims of it being a pro-lynching anthem or that he disapproved of the Black Lives Matter protests. He emphasizes that the song does not reference race and that the music video features real news footage. Aldean experienced a tragedy firsthand at the Route 91 shooting and has recently dealt with another heartbreaking event in his community.

Aldean clarifies that “Try That In A Small Town” is about the strength of community ties in rural America, rather than promoting violence or division. He shares his hope for a country where senseless headlines and broken families are not the norm. Aldean acknowledges that people may not agree on how to achieve this, but the desire to find common ground is the essence of his song.

To watch Jason Aldean’s video for “Try That In A Small Town,” click .