The Polished Man Movement: Ending Sexual Abuse Against Children

A Small Encounter with a Profound Impact

Elliot Costello, during a visit to Cambodia, crossed paths with a young girl named Thea. Little did he know that this chance encounter would ignite a passion within him to combat sexual abuse against children. Thea, always sporting nail polish on her tiny nails, asked Elliot to paint one of his own nails. Unbeknownst to him, Thea was a survivor of sexual abuse. This poignant moment led Elliot to make a promise – to always keep that painted nail in remembrance of Thea’s suffering and to work towards positive change.

#PolishedMan: The Movement for Change

Inspired by his encounter with Thea, Elliot founded the #PolishedMan movement. This unique movement calls on men to paint one of their nails to raise awareness about the one in five children who will become victims of sexual violence. By challenging violent behavior and language, both locally and globally, the Polished Man movement aims to put an end to sexual abuse against children.

Men as Catalysts for Change

The Polished Man movement recognizes that men are responsible for 96% of the sexual violence against children worldwide. It believes that men hold the key to being catalysts for change in ending the abuse of innocent children. By encouraging men to join the movement and stand against this violence, Polished Man aims to create a safer world for children.

Starting Conversations and Sparking Ideas

The painted nail symbolizes more than just the staggering number of children who are abused every day. It serves as a powerful conversation starter, prompting discussions about the harsh reality of child sexual abuse. Through these conversations, new ideas about prevention can emerge, leading to innovative solutions. As people begin to engage with the movement, Polished Man hopes to inspire donations to support educational programs and resources for child survivors of abuse.

A Call for Support

We appeal to all men, including celebrities, to join the Polished Man movement. Your participation and support can make a significant difference in protecting and empowering children around the world. Let us bring an end to the silent suffering of innocent children.

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