Lucky Tenant Becomes Unexpected Homeowner

Woman that’s been renting same home for years finds out deceased landlord left home under her name

Jane Sayner: From Renter to Owner

Imagine living in a place for over twenty years, paying rent faithfully, and suddenly discovering that you are now the proud owner of the property. That’s exactly what happened to 75-year-old Jane Sayner from St. Albans, Melbourne, Australia. Jane’s incredible story is a reminder that sometimes life surprises us in the most unexpected ways.

A Generous Landlord

For years, Jane had been renting a cozy two-bedroom apartment from the wealthy John Perrett. Despite never raising the rent, she always wondered what would happen if something were to happen to her landlord. Would she be asked to leave? Would the new owner demand higher rent? The uncertainty loomed over her.

But when tragedy struck and John Perrett passed away in September 2020, Jane’s worries turned into joyous disbelief. Astonishingly, she discovered that her beloved apartment was now officially hers. The same was true for another long-term tenant of Perrett’s property.

A Selfless Act of Kindness

John Perrett, a kind-hearted elderly gentleman, had no immediate family to inherit his vast estate. Instead, he decided to leave his fortune to charity. His generous act included bequeathing his apartments to his loyal tenants, Jane and another tenant. Little did Jane know that her years of treating the place like her own would result in her becoming a property owner.

Jane fondly remembers the moment when Perrett shared the news with her. “Then one day he just rang me and said, ‘My solicitor’s here, can you please give me your full name because I’m leaving you your unit.’ I thought I hadn’t heard it right. Surely not. For the whole time I had known him, (leaving all his money to charity) was always what he was going to do.”

Finding Solace in a Beloved Home

Despite the sadness of losing her landlord and friend, Jane found solace in the fact that she finally had a place she could call her own. Over the years, she had nurtured the property, planting gardens and flowers that still thrive today. It felt like a true reflection of her love and care for the place she had called home for so long.

A Heartwarming Journey

Jane’s incredible journey from tenant to homeowner is a heartwarming tale of unexpected kindness and the enduring power of friendship. It serves as a reminder that sometimes life brings us surprises that surpass our wildest dreams.

To witness this incredible story, watch the video below. And don’t forget to share this heartwarming article with your family and friends on Facebook.

Author: Love and Peace