Discovering the Jackson Siblings’ Unbreakable Bond

Paris Jackson, the daughter of the late King of Pop Michael Jackson, has captured the hearts of fans worldwide with her incredible talent and unique personality. Born in Beverly Hills, California, on April 3, 1998, Paris has emerged from the shadow of her famous father to become a multidimensional artist and advocate.

From a young age, Paris displayed a passion for the arts, including music, acting, and modeling. Her captivating presence and remarkable appearance quickly caught the attention of the fashion world, propelling her into a successful modeling career. But Paris didn’t stop there. She also embarked on a musical journey, founding The Soundflowers, a folk-rock band, and showcasing her impressive vocal abilities as a singer-songwriter. She even made her television debut in “Star” and appeared in other films and TV productions.

Beyond her artistic endeavors, Paris is a strong advocate for mental health awareness and LGBTQ+ rights. She has bravely shared her own struggles with mental health and used her platform to break the stigma surrounding these issues, encouraging others to seek help and support. Through her charitable work, Paris has collaborated with organizations dedicated to mental health, substance addiction rehabilitation, and suicide prevention. Her dedication to making a positive difference in the lives of those facing similar challenges has earned her worldwide appreciation and respect.

But what many may not know is the special bond Paris shares with her siblings, Prince and Blanket. In a rare and honest moment on her Facebook Watch series, “Unfiltered,” Paris spoke about their “oldest brother,” Omer Bhatti. Omer, a 36-year-old Norwegian dancer and rapper, confirmed that he considers himself an older brother to the Jackson children. He explained that he became part of the family when his mother worked as Prince’s nanny and has been there for Paris since she was a baby. Omer describes Paris as his younger sister in every way.

The love between Paris and her brothers is evident. She expressed her deep affection for them, saying, “They have my whole love. Every time we see each other, we feel revitalized by our time together.” While sibling disputes are common between Paris and Prince, her relationship with Omer remains unbreakable and full of love.

As the Jackson siblings grew up, Omer had the opportunity to witness their individual development and gain unique insights into their personalities. He noticed that Paris was always more rebellious than Prince, describing her as a rebel. Prince, on the other hand, seemed to align more with their father’s teachings. Omer took it upon himself to guide Paris, acting as the big brother figure educating her about right and wrong.

Omer’s first encounter with Michael Jackson happened when he started performing at the age of nine. From that moment, Michael became a father figure and mentor to Omer. Reflecting on their connection, Omer shared, “He adopted me and served as a father figure and mentor to me.” Michael became Omer’s role model, and Omer joined him on tour, even sitting right on the stage. The experiences they shared shaped Omer into the person he is today.

Now, as the Jackson family continues to navigate life without Michael, the bond between Paris, Prince, Blanket, and Omer remains strong. They have found solace and support in having an “older brother” like Omer, who has been there for them through thick and thin. Their connection showcases the power and beauty of chosen family, reminding us of the importance of love and shared experiences.