Dolly Parton: The Country Music Legend Who Won’t Tour Anymore

Dolly Parton, the iconic 76-year-old country music legend, has captured the hearts of fans throughout her lifetime. Despite her undeniable talent and passion for performing, Dolly has recently announced that she will no longer be going on tour. In a recent interview with Pollystar, Dolly explained her decision.

Instead of embarking on a full-fledged tour, Dolly plans to continue making music and spend more time with her beloved husband, Carl Thomas Dean. Dolly and Carl’s love story began in 1964 when they met in Nashville, Tennessee. Instantly drawn to Dolly’s beauty and charisma, Carl knew she was the one. Their love has stood the test of time, and in 2016, they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary by renewing their vows.

Reflecting on her decision, Dolly shared, “I’ve done touring my entire life, and it takes a lot of time and work. As we grow older, I prefer to stay closer to home with my husband.” Dolly acknowledges that as they age, it’s important to be there for each other and not be away for long periods. She doesn’t want to miss out on being there for her loved ones when they need her.

While Dolly won’t be touring, she continues to create music that her husband adores. In fact, she plans to release an album dedicated to him and his love for hard rock ‘n’ roll. Dolly’s musical talent has been recognized this year with a nomination for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

In addition to her musical endeavors, Dolly is reportedly working on a Christmas special for NBC. Although she won’t be touring, fans can still look forward to experiencing Dolly’s magic through her new album and upcoming television appearances.

Dolly, you have been incredibly kind to us throughout the years. It’s time for you to relax and enjoy the love and support of your fans. We will remember you forever as a true legend in the world of country music.