The delectable flavors of a homemade apple pie are a wonderful pleasure, and what better way to enhance that experience than by making your own Homemade Apple Pie Filling?

This recipe allows you to make a delightful and adaptable filling that is bursting with the natural sweetness of apples and complimented by a blend of toasty spices. Whether you want to make a traditional apple pie or experiment with new ways to employ this tasty dish, this recipe will walk you through the steps.

With only a few ingredients and some time in the kitchen, you’ll have a jar of homemade apple pie filling ready to take your baking to the next level. Let’s get started on this delightful voyage!

5 apple slices, cored, peeled, and cut
1 cup of sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg, ground
1 cup of water
3/4 cup apple juice (or cider)
2 tbsp of lemon juice

Coring, peeling, and slicing the apples is the first step. Set aside and keep warm.
Combine the sugar, cornstarch, ground cinnamon, ground nutmeg, water, apple juice or cider, and lemon juice in a saucepan.
Bring the mixture to a gentle boil over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the filling reaches the required thickness. Take cautious not to let it get to a full boil.
Fill hot sterilized quart jars halfway with apple slices and syrup, alternating layers until nearly full.
To eliminate any air bubbles, run a knife down the side of the jar.
As needed, add more apple slices and syrup, leaving a little headspace at the top of the jar.
In a hot water bath, process the jars. Place the jars in a water bath pan or a pan with enough water to cover the jars by about 1 inch.
To guarantee proper preservation, bring the jars to a boil for 25 minutes.

Always use safe canning procedures and refer to the directions for your canning equipment for specific processing times and safety precautions.