This woman offered to photograph a happy family who had been out for ice cream together.

The world needs more people willing to make wonderful gestures for someone they don’t know.

We seldom realize how a tiny gesture on our part can mean something extremely huge and essential to the person next to us. Thus, we should not be afraid to offer assistance when we can.

Also, we will always feel better when we help someone or simply offer something without expecting anything in return, even if it is not material.

Joyce Rhinehart went to her nephew’s tennis practice and then decided to go eat ice cream with him.

They were about to depart when they noticed another family eating ice cream together, and they appeared to be having a good time.

Joyce felt an odd compulsion to photograph the family, so she asked them if they were okay with it, and they consented.

Joyce posted the photo on Facebook with a wonderful description: “I snapped this picture, and then I gave my phone to their kid. I instructed her to send it to one of their phones.”

Joyce received a note from a stranger after a few days, and she was overcome with emotion and could not believe it.

The message came from the father of the family he photographed. He told her that his wife died a few days after they went to the ice cream shop, and the photo Joyce snapped was their last together.

That’s why the man decided to thank Joyce for the photo and for her gesture of snapping them together.

Joyce later discovered that the woman had been ill for almost a year, but death always comes as a surprise, so we must enjoy every moment, especially those spent with loved ones.

Also, this experience demonstrates how much a tiny gesture may mean to others around us.

Joyce was horrified to learn what had occurred, and she was deeply sorry that the great family she had met was going through such a tough time.

After a while, she published a social media post encouraging others to make kind gestures, especially if their gut tells them to, as it did with her.

“Never underestimate a beautiful gesture you make randomly, apparently on a whim of the moment. My heart is now heavy because it is with this cute family I don’t know. Incredibly, I gave them this gift that now means everything to them, just because I listened to my instinct and intuition that day,” she wrote. “I’m astounded!”