Cutest baby animal. Meet Boop

Cute may come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Boop, a newborn feathertail glider, is the tiniest animal at Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors.

A tiny mammal named Boop is unrivaled in its loveliness.

The little creature was discovered after fleeing her mother’s pouch and weighed less than one gram.

The wildlife refuge ensures that Boop receives the finest care before her release into the wild.

These magnificent local animals get their name from their unusual flat tail, which is covered in stiff fringed hair that grows horizontally on either side to the tip. The tail guides and brakes as they glide through the trees.

They are the only mammal with what seems to be a feathered tail. The tail is 7-8 cm long and resembles a bird feather.

Because this little glider weighs just 10-15 grams as an adult, it can occasionally go undiscovered while in danger or be mistaken for a mouse when the cat brings it inside.

Feathertail gliders are linked to Pygmy possums and belong to the Burramyidae family. Because of their small size, these little mammals, like the Sugar glider, enter a state known as torpor, which makes it difficult for them to stay warm in cold weather or when food is scarce.

As a result, the animal’s breathing slows, they temporarily lose consciousness, and their body temperature decreases to a level similar to that of their surroundings. Hibernation, which lasts far longer and is not known to occur in marsupials, should not be confused with this.

The fur ranges from pale cream to white above the waist and blends grey and brown. Feathertail gliders, like other gliders, have a skin fold that spans from the elbow to the knee and serves as the gliding membrane. Long hair is curled at the border to widen the body surface.

The glider can travel long distances like a falling leaf when stretched out. It lives in trees and eats nectar, pollen, and insects for nourishment. It takes to the air when it needs to go from one tree to another.

When they jump down the tree with extended legs, the skin flap between their front and hind foot spreads like a parachute. This little possum’s flattened tail assists it in gliding, steering, braking, and anchoring as it lands.

Although they have been reported to travel up to 28 meters, they normally glide for 14 meters. Five glides per hour are possible. Feathertail gliders use gliding to stay above the treetops and evade larger, ground-based predators.

The feet resemble a frog’s, but with fur instead of scales and enormous pads on the toes with serrated groves underneath, allowing them to climb nearly anything. Because of the numerous sweat glands on the footpads, the small glider can ascend even vertical glass panes by using surface tension, which functions as tiny suction cups.

They are distributed throughout eastern Australia, from South Australia to far north Queensland.

These gliders build their nests in anything from abandoned bird nests to banana sacks, covering them with leaves, feathers, and shredded wood. The nest is spherical, with a diameter of 6-8 cm. Palm, staghorn, and tree fern nesting sites are common.

In the north, they live in communal groups of 5 to 30 individuals and reproduce all year; in the south, they breed in the spring, summer, and late winter.

They can live in the wild for four years. Except the female’s pouch, both sexes are nearly identical in size and appearance.