A true love story

This is both a lovely and terrible love story. Liz died giving birth when they first met, fell in love, and had a kid. Matt’s actions following her death were very remarkable.

Liz Goodman and Matt Logelin, both high school students, met for the first time at a gas station one sunny afternoon. They were both reared in Minnetonka, Minnesota, but their chance meeting started a true love tale.

Liz and Matt first met during their senior year of high school. Fireworks erupted when she approached Matt after he had caught her eye, and the two became inseparable… until college began.

As graduation drew near, the high school sweethearts realized they’d be attending colleges in opposite parts of the country! Liz had left for California, while Matt remained at the University of Minnesota.

The distance was nothing for one couple who persevered and stayed together throughout their education. Matt attended the Loyola University of Chicago for his master’s degree. He was considering pursuing a Ph.D. when he realized he needed to listen to his heart rather than his brain.

Matt felt he couldn’t continue to be so far apart from his love. He packed his possessions and moved halfway across the country to Los Angeles in 2005 to be with Liz.

They then proceeded to live their lives to the fullest. Liz and Matt traveled to see new places, make memories, and learn more about each other and the society in which they lived. It was just a matter of time until Matt realized this was the one and got down on one knee in Nepal to propose to Liz.

They pledged to love each other forever in front of their friends and family on August 13, 2005. Seeing these lovers grasp the bull by the horns of life and love was exhilarating. For the young couple, everything looked to be going swimmingly.

They were not only happier in their romantic relationships than they had ever been, but they were also happier in their professional lives. Liz was a financial specialist at Disney, and Matt was a project manager at Yahoo! in California. The two decided to buy a property together to take advantage of their newly discovered financial security. After that, everything improved.

After two years of marriage, the couple wanted to have a family, and they were thrilled to find Liz was carrying their first child!

Many of Liz and Matt’s friends and family live in Minnesota, so they couldn’t join them on their remarkable journey to motherhood. The soon-to-be parents took action and launched a blog to keep their loved ones up to date on Liz’s pregnancy progress.

Liz had a tough pregnancy, and the happy couple’s journey seemed bright and joyful as they anticipated their first child. Because she had terrible morning sickness, the doctors advised her to stay in bed for a few weeks.

Matt was concerned that his wife was carrying his child, so he kept a close eye on her. Liz, usually active and lively, was restricted to her bed, which was upsetting. She was then transported to the hospital and told to stay in bed for a few weeks. Throughout the incident, Matt kept an eye on their newly created pregnancy blog. He had no idea what he would publish on that particular website.

Liz was taken to the delivery room twice since her pregnancy was considered high-risk, each at least seven weeks early due to false alarms. Because they didn’t want to take any chances, the physicians closely checked her.

The infant was finally ready to enter the world. Liz was still two months premature and required an emergency C-section. On March 24, 2008, Matt and Liz Logelin’s lives were about to alter dramatically.

After the surgery went smoothly, the couple welcomed Madeline (Maddy) Logelin into their family. She weighed only 3 pounds, 14 ounces when she was born. Liz barely had a brief opportunity to glimpse their gorgeous baby girl since the new parents were overjoyed (photographed). Because she was delivered prematurely, medical personnel rushed her to the newborn critical care unit.

Liz could not hold their daughter right immediately since she needed to be monitored for another 24 hours after giving birth. Liz was ready and excited to greet her newborn girl, who was now awake and well, once everything was completed. She began riding in a wheelchair to the ward.

Matt couldn’t wait to hold both of his girls, so he accompanied his wife on their walk around the room before entering the ward. They were about to experience the mother-child quality time they had all been anticipating. Then disaster hit.

When his wife sprawled in his arms and mumbled, “I feel light-headed,” Matt helped her into the wheelchair softly and carefully. The nurses tried to reassure Matt by explaining that it was usual for women to faint after giving delivery.

“All of a sudden, there’s this ‘code blue,’ and people are running by me,” Matt recounted slowly. He burst into tears. She would never be able to hold her child since she would die that day in this hospital.

Doctors discovered a dangerous clot in Liz’s lungs, causing a rare, fatal pulmonary embolism, only 27 hours, or barely more than a day after she gave birth to their daughter Madeline. Liz died of a deadly embolism at 30, only hours after giving birth to a kid. Matt became a widower one day after becoming a father.

Matt went from feeling on top of the world to fearing for his life in a single day. He was heartbroken. His second piece was exclusively about melancholy, even though the pregnancy blog was supposed to be packed with photographs of the growing family.

The first few weeks were the worst Matt had ever had. Every Tuesday at 3:11 p.m., his thoughts would return to that fateful moment when his life altered irreversibly because he couldn’t stomach taking off his wedding ring. He openly wondered how he would manage in his new life without Liz by his side.

Returning home presented some difficulties. Everywhere Matt turned, he was reminded of Liz. When guests asked about the baby’s mother, Matt would frank and freely reply, “She passed on the day after the kid was born,”. Even leaving the house was difficult.

Matt’s main solace in those early days as a widower was knowing that his small daughter needed him and that a part of his beloved wife lived on in Madeline.

Despite his anguish, Matt was determined to provide the best possible upbringing for his daughter. He’s looking for a method to communicate his fear and agony. He began posting on a parenting discussion board provided by The Minnesota Star Tribune, his hometown newspaper. But it did not stop there.

Maddy Logelin celebrated her tenth birthday on March 24th, 2018. It had been ten years since her mother Liz’s tragic death on the same occasion. Despite her horrible past, her father, family, and friends have done everything they can to surround her with love and happiness.

Matt has made the details of his blog more private as Maddy has grown older. The instant Madeline says “stop,” it is finished. “The plug will be pulled,” he constantly promised. Maddy has learned about her mother through stories and images, and her fascination with her has grown.

“Daddy, did you clasp my mommy’s hand when she died?” she asked innocently one day. She constantly queries her father about what he and her late mother used to do.

Despite his best efforts to be truthful and explain everything to his young daughter, Matt stated, “What I said will never take away what occurred that day.” Maddy said, “Daddy, I love you,” after the chat, and Matt subsequently said she knew exactly what he needed to hear. “I adore you, Maddy,” he added.