One random act of kindness can mean the world to someone

While at Dunkin’ Donuts, she noticed a homeless man gathering change on the side of the road. He quickly entered and began counting his cash. He was furious when she began speaking to him.

She bought him a coffee and a bagel out of her pocket in exchange for his readiness to sit and discuss because he only had about a dollar in change. He caved in. They talked for over an hour before she realized she had to return to class. He left her a message and encouraged her to wait.

I just heard of a sociological experiment in which a young woman was dressed correctly and left on the sidewalk by herself. Most onlookers took advantage of the occasion to ask her if she needed assistance and where her parents were. That same female was standing there now, dressed in dirty, old clothes. Several people observed her, but none of them seemed to notice her.

That is the terrible fact of today: I worry when the world will become a place where greedy individuals exclusively rate others based on their looks. Or, why is a wealthy person’s life more valuable than a poor person’s?

Fortunately, along the road, someone demonstrates that not everyone has lost the ability to feel sympathy for others who are less privileged, giving us hope that not everything is lost.

Casey Fischer was on her way to Dunkin’ Donuts for a coffee during her lunch break when she noticed a homeless man by the side of the road collecting pennies. He then came in with the idea of grabbing something to eat.

Fisher got closer and saw that the man’s hand had only formed a dollar. She invited him to join her at her table and paid for his coffee and bagel.

Chris introduced himself to Fischer and related his experiences of being treated unfairly regularly because he was homeless.

He admitted to using opioids, which had changed him into the man he despised.

Fischer informed Chris that, while she was delighted to meet him, she had to go because she needed to return to class. But, after asking her to wait a moment, he handed her a crumpled piece of paper with something scribbled on it that he had given to his new acquaintance.

Fischer was astounded when she read the note. She had no idea what she had done would have such an impact on the homeless man. This meeting meant considerably more to him than a bagel and a cup of coffee. It had an impact on him.

“Today I wanted to murder myself,” said the message. “…but I no longer do because of you.” We’d also like to thank this nice young lady for her assistance. You are the change that the world needs to see.

Please forward this information to your family and friends.

Love and peace