She is in desperate need of our prayers! Sharon Osbourne’s predicament is heartbreaking.

Over the weekend, Sharon Osbourne opened out about her family and health.

During the conversation, the TV personality also talked about her long battle with bulimia.

She thinks that her bulimia has helped her relate to other people who are self-conscious about their bodies.

“It’s dreadful. I used to eat constantly,” she said.

“I made the mistake of thinking that being larger and less attractive gave me strength.  Even though that sounds strange, that’s how I felt.”

Ozzy Osbourne’s wife has also stated that she still feels ill after eating. ” It’s something I’ve been doing for a long time. It’s merged with me.”

“Do I accept it?” she asked. “Do I like it?” No, I have the worst acid reflux you can imagine.” Sharon also admitted to having a shopping issue, saying she bought “far too many dresses, shoes, purses, and candles.”

“I don’t like this sofa; let’s flip it,” she suggested. “I don’t like the color of this room. Let’s try again.”

“It’s terrible. It’s a way of life for the new money. It’s a type of egomania.”

Ozzy and Sharon are currently residing in Los Angeles, but because to the fallout from her firing from The Talk last year, they may soon return to the United Kingdom.

Sharon’s employment was terminated in March of last year following an on-screen fight between Sharon and host Sheryl Underwood about racism.

During the panel discussion of Meghan Markle’s interview with Oprah Winfrey, Sharon was compelled to explain why she defended Piers on Twitter.

The debate quickly became heated, prompting CBS to suspend the show and open an investigation. A month later, Sharon announced her resignation as host.

“Everyone is frightened of saying anything unpleasant that someone might copy and sell,” Sharon said in a New York Times interview. “That is not how we live. It’s not something I want. I don’t need it.”