Dolly Parton has said that she will stop touring and dedicate more time to her hubby.

Despite having performed and sung for most of her life, the Tennessee native has become nothing short of a legend, and she adores entertaining her legions of followers.

Even though she continues to create new music, the 76-year-old music legend has stated that she will no longer tour.

In a recent interview with Pollystar, Dolly Parton stated why she would no longer be on tour.

“Every now and then, I put on one-of-a-kind shows. Perform a few gigs during a festival or over a long weekend. However, I am no longer planning a full-fledged tour.”

Instead, the 76-year-old country music legend will continue to record and spend time with her beloved husband, Carl Thomas Dean.

Dolly and Carl Dean first met in 1964 in front of the Wishy Washy Laundromat in Nashville, Tennessee. Carl was 21 at the time, and Dolly was 18. Carl saw something remarkable about the young lady right away.

Dean allegedly informed her when they first met, “I’m going to marry that girl.”

My second thought was, “Lord, she’s lovely. That was the start of my existence. I wouldn’t exchange the last 50 years for anything.”

Dean “holled” at Dolly when he saw her in his pickup vehicle. She, on the other hand, declined his date invitation. Instead, she invited him while minding her nephew a few days later. It was the beginning of a love story that would last a lifetime.

In May 1966, Dolly and Carl married in a private ceremony in Ringgold, Georgia. Her record business pushed them to postpone their wedding because she had a career to consider.

Dean and Dolly, however, did not want to wait and chose to marry in Georgia rather than Tennessee, where no one would write about it. Dolly, Carl, and her mother were the only ones present.

Dolly and Carl have been profoundly in love ever since. The couple celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in 2016. They chose to renew their vows as a way to remember the occasion.

They’ll be spending a lot more time together now.

Parton elaborated on her tour experience in an interview with Pollstar:

“I’ve been doing that my whole life; it takes time and effort.” I’d rather stay at home with my hubby. I don’t want to go away for four or five weeks at a time because we’re getting older. Something might happen. I’d feel upset if I was gone and someone needed me. Or I’d feel terrible if I had to cut a tour short because someone at home needed my help, and I couldn’t forsake the fans.”

According to the singer, her spouse will label her most recent musical works as rock n’ roll. Earlier this year, Parton was nominated for induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

“‘Well, there’s no better time than now,’ I reasoned after learning I’d been nominated for induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I’d been meaning to do it for a long time. For years, I’ve been thinking, ‘One of these days, I’d like to produce an album basically just for him, just to kind of do it,’ because my husband is a huge hard rock ‘n’ roll lover.”

While working on her new album, the singer is said to be working on a Christmas special for NBC this year.

Dolly, have a fantastic time! You’ve been so generous to us! Relax and soak everything in right now! We shall never forget you.