When the driver discovered why the trash bag on the road was moving, she was shocked.

Sergent Lewis had no idea on her way to work last week that she would save a life. But she did exactly that.

Lewis, an elementary school teacher in Kentucky, chose to take a detour on Thursday morning because she was running late. Despite her rush, Lewis sensed something disturbingly strange on that quiet country road.”

“‘Did that trash bag just move?’  As I drove by on the side of the road, I had this thought. I got closer and discovered it was moving; I couldn’t believe it. I knew there was something alive in that bag and I needed to get it out.”

The imprisoned animal may be seen stumbling in the direction of Lewis’ car as it approaches.

“I slowly tore apart a corner and looked inside the bag because it was tied up in a knot,” she explained. She came across a puppy. “He seemed happy to see me. As soon as I opened the bag and let some light in, he started wagging his tail.”

“He understood everything was okay. It was impossible for me to believe that someone would do something like this.”

Despite the fact that the dog had a collar but no tag stating where he came from, Lewis chose to carry him with her. (Given that she was still running late.)

“I just put him in my lap and drove to school,” she explained.

“I couldn’t leave him in the car, so I took him inside. When the principal spotted me, she said, ‘You have a dog.’ ‘ “It’s a long story,’ I explained.”

Lewis asked her son to pick up the dog and bring it inside to protect him. After that horrible act of cruelty, they eventually took him to the hospital to make sure he was okay.

“We got him vaccines,” she said. “He seems to be in good health and happiness.”

Nobody knows for certain if the dog was abandoned by its owner or stolen and abandoned by someone else.

While the event is being investigated, Lewis believes it was done on purpose and that the dog would have perished if she hadn’t been lucky enough to discover him in time.

“Who could be so brutal to any animal?” “Everyone loves puppies, no matter who you are,” she remarked. “Putting an animal, regardless of species, in a rubbish bag and dumping it on the side of the road is inhumane. They acted in this manner for the worst of reasons.”

Fortunately, the puppy was able to find the perfect person to assist him throughout his life, not only during that trying time.

Despite the fact that it has only been a few days, Lewis and her family have already built a bond with the little puppy she rescued. Hefty’s name hints at the circumstances of his unintentional discovery.

Things are starting to look up for him now.

Lewis and her family have chosen to give Hefty a permanent home because no one is likely to come forward to claim him.

“Everyone loves the dog,” Lewis says, adding, “with us, he will be appreciated and live in a joyful atmosphere. I’m thankful that I was able to save him at the right moment and in the right place.”