Girlfriend Issues Man Ultimatum, insisting that he get rid of the dog or she would leave him – his reply is briliant.

Animal enthusiasts are well aware of the benefits of having a pet at home.

Animals’ sheer presence can often calm us down when we are in a bad mood or are not feeling well.

What’s more, once adopted, an animal becomes a part of the family, and in a true family, no one is removed.

A man was put in this scenario by his girlfriend, who confessed that she was not an animal lover after some time in their relationship.

What she requested is simply impossible for any animal owner and completely unacceptable.

His excellent response was precisely what she deserved, and it drew the attention of hundreds of internet users who reshared his ad to lend a hand:

“My girlfriend despises my beagle Molly.  As a result, I must rehome her. I’ve owned her for four years and she’s a purebred from a rich neighborhood.

She enjoys playing games. Not completely trained. Because she has long hair, she is a little high maintenance, especially with her nails, but she enjoys having them done.

She talks and talks all night but sleeps when I work. Eats only the tastiest and most expensive foods.

Will NEVER meet you at the door after a long day or unconditionally love you when you’re down. She doesn’t bite, but she’s a jerk!

So, who’s interested in my 30-year-old, greedy, evil, gold-digger girlfriend? Come on over and get her! My dog and I want her re-homed as soon as possible!!!”

We don’t know if anyone responded to the ad or volunteered to take her home, but we know the man is fed up with her behavior!

She plainly did not anticipate this happening. Isn’t it interesting how the ad ends with a twist? He was an absolute genius!

Share this amusing story with your friends and family, and never give up on your pets for any reason; they will be crushed if abandoned!