For breakfast before school, she made her children eggs.

A Mexican mother is going through hell after the food she cooked for her family killed her children. Here’s what happened: the woman made a mistake that many people make without realizing it.

Josefina got up early and went shopping to get everything she needed for a healthful meal for her school-aged children, Augustin, 8, and Maria, 6.

The woman decided to make tortillas with eggs and bacon, as well as fresh orange juice for them.

The little ones washed their hands before lunch, ate enthusiastically, and headed off to school, but a few hours later the worried mother received a phone call informing her that they were in poor health.

The kids had a slim chance of survival and were in the hospital because of a high fever brought on by Salmonella.

Medical examinations at the hospital revealed that the mother’s carefully prepared breakfast included the bacterium.

The mother and doctors came to the conclusion after talking that Josefina had probably contaminated the breakfast with salmonella since she had used her cell phone to respond to texts from her husband while making it.

At this point, the mother is making the most of every opportunity to urge all parents to avoid using their phones while making food.

A variety of salmonella bacterium strains can cause food poisoning, sometimes known as salmonella food poisoning. T he salmonella food sickness is spread by food and drink that has been contaminated by the feces of infected people or animals.

The same source states that eggs and undercooked chicken are the foods most frequently contaminated with salmonella.

However, any meal can become contaminated if it comes into contact with a sick person who doesn’t wash their hands or if it comes into contact with other contaminated items. Hand washing thoroughly before preparing a meal is the simplest way to avoid a disaster.

Salmonellosis symptoms include the following:

chills and fever;

head pain;

episodes of diarrhea, some of which may be accompanied by bloody diarrhea;

dizziness and vertigo;

excruciating cramps and stomach pain.